The ASEAN Golf Federation (AGF) was first announced at the AGF’s 1st Annual General Meeting held in Singapore in 2008 in conjunction with the South East Asian Amateur Team Golf Championship( SEAATGC), an annual championship which was started 54 years ago by the first Malaysian Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra.
Under the Charter, Malaysia will be the permanent Secretary General while the host country of the SEAAGTC will hold the Presidency for a year. Currently, the President of the Malaysian Golf Association (MGA), Admiral Tan Sri Mohd Anwar Mohd Nor (Retired) will hold the Presidency until the conclusion of the SEAATGC which was cancelled for 2020 due to the pandemic. The Presidency will be handed over to the next host country’s Golf Association President.
The AGF will serve as a platform for all members to work together to help create a brand new era of growth and expansion for golf and in the spirit of cooperation and to make ASEAN one of the most exciting regions in the world for golf.
The AGF is represented by national golf associations drawn from the ten member states of ASEAN. The countries include:
- Brunei
- Cambodia
- Indonesia
- Laos
- Malaysia
- Myanmar
- Philippines
- Singapore
- Thailand
- Vietnam
The ASEAN region is made up of a population base well in excess of half a billion people. It is reported that there are some 700 golf courses in the region together with a full complement of driving ranges and teaching facilities.
This constitutes a large and growing market for golf and with the economic expansion that the region is experiencing, the Federation look forward to exciting times ahead for the AGF and its members.
Some of the areas that the AGF will endeavor to work on will be to provide a well structured education and training programme for its members. The members have identified this as a major task of the AGF and working together with key international bodies responsible for golf and the golf trade.
One of the main objectives of the AGF is to help our members keep abreast of development in the industry and to assist in drawing up plans to make the ASEAN region one of the finest locations for golf in the world.
Other programmes that the AGF will be examining will include junior golf development and the potential for golf tourism promotion. These are vital areas for future growth and the members will be making concerted and focused efforts to grow our junior programmes golf tourism.
The full-time secretariat for the AGF is located in Kuala Lumpur.
Address & Contact details:
ASEAN Golf Secretariat
c/o Malaysian Golf Association,
14, Jalan 4/76C, Desa Pandan.
55100 Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.
Tel: +603 9283 7300 Fax: +603 9283 9300
E-mail: aseangolffederation2008@gmail.com
1.The name of the association shall be “ASEAN Golf Federation”, (hereinafter referred to as “the Federation” or “AGF”).
2.The objects of the Federation shall be as follows:
(a) To further strengthen the bonds of friendship amongst member associations;
(b) To assist member associations in the development of golf in their respective counties;
(c) To promote the following ASEAN Golf Championships:
i) The annual Putra Cup (Elite Men)/Lion City Cup (Junior-under 18 boys)/Santi Cup (Elite Ladies)/kartini Cup (Junior Uner18 girls)
ii) The Etiqa Asean Cup
iii) Any other amateur events for Men and Ladies
(d) Generally to encourage and promote the pursuit of the game of golf in ASEAN region and to raise funds for such purpose.
(e) To obtain affiliation with International Golf Associations and other organizations established for the promotion of sports and involving the ASEAN region thereon.
(f) To promote representative matches against other regions and to participate in representative matches against the regions.
(g) To uphold the Rules of Golf as prescribed for the time being by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews subject to such local rules as fall within the Recommendations for Local Rules made by the Rules of Golf Committee or are necessary to meet climactic conditions.
(h) To afford means whereby disputes and differences concerning golf in ASEAN may be settled.
(i) To set regional golfing policies where necessary
3. Membership of the Federation is open to the national golf associations of the countries for the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Affiliate membership is open to such entries aligned with the objects of the Federation.
4. To be eligible for membership, a national golf association must be deemed by the Federation to be the governing body of golf in its country. To be eligible for affiliate membership, an entity must be deemed to satisfy the objects under 2 (e) of this Charter.
5. An application for membership and affiliate membership shall be supported by copies of the association’s constitution or similar documents and such other information as the Federation may require.
6. A unanimous vote of all member associations shall be required to approve acceptance of an application.
7. All member associations and affiliate members shall be bound by the provisions of this Charter.
8. A member association and affiliate members shall cease to be a member if:
(a) it resigns from the Federation in writing or;
(b) If it is removed by a unanimous vote of all member associations for failure to pay any fees for which it is liable or for gross violation of any provision of this Charter.
9. The members of the Federation shall be Brunei Golf Association, Cambodia Golf Association, Indonesia Golf Association, Laos Golf Association, Malaysian Golf Association, Myanmar Golf Federation, The National Golf Association of the Philippines, Singapore Golf Association, Thailand Golf Association and Vietnam Golf Association. Other countries out of the ASEAN region and such entities may join subject to the approval of the Federation in accordance with the Charter.
10. An applicant for membership or affiliate membership shall pay an entrance fee of US1000.00.
11. The Federation shall have the power to levy any other fees it deems fit.
12. The Management of the Federation shall be vested in a Management Committee comprising the President and Secretary General of the Federation and the President or Secretary General of member associations. This Committee shall meet twice a year at six monthly intervals. One of the meetings shall be held at the Federation Secretariat Office and the second meeting shall rotate among the members association. The President of the Federation shall preside at the management committee meetings and in his absence the Secretary General. The Secretary General of the Federation shall hold office for a term of two (2) years and prior to expiry thereof, be elected at the Annual General Meeting on a rotation basis among the candidates nominated by the member association.
13.1 The Federation shall hold an annual general meeting once a year to discuss matters pertaining to the running of the Federation. The annual general meeting shall be held at the time and place where the Putra Cup is held and such meeting shall not be held later than 15 months after the last annual general meeting. The Secretary General shall be empowered to call the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the provisions provided in this Charter. The President of the Federation shall preside at all the Annual/General meetings and in his absence the Secretary General.
13.2 The Annual General Meeting shall appoint a President who shall be the President or equivalent position of the national golf association hosting the next Putra Cup and hold office until the next Annual General Meeting. In the event that the post of President falls vacant due to whatsoever reason, the member association of which he was or is a member shall appoint another person as President and he shall retire at the next Annual General Meeting.
13.3 Any other General Meetings shall be held whenever convened by the Secretary-General at the request of the President or at the request of not less than two (2) member associations and such General Meeting/s shall be held not later than sixty (60) days after the receipt by the Secretary-General of such requisition.
13.4 Twenty-one (21) days’ notice shall be given by the Secretary-General to all member associations of an Annual General Meeting. Such notice shall include the agenda for the Meeting. Any member association desirous of having any other business consistent with this Charter shall notify it to the Secretary-General in writing not later than fourteen (14) days before the Meeting.
13.5 Fourteen (14) days’ notice shall be given by the Secretary-General to all member associations of a General Meetings other than an Annual General Meeting.
13.6 At each General Meetings, each member association and affiliate member may be represented by two delegates. Each delegate shall be properly accredited by the member association. Provided always that the delegates appointed by the affiliate members shall not entitled to vote on any matter and resolution.
13.7 At each General Meetings excluding those appointed by affiliate members, delegates representing not less than half of the member associations shall form a quorum.
13.8 At each General Meetings, each member association shall have two (2) votes. For avoidance of doubt, affiliate members shall have no votes.
13.9 Unless otherwise provided by this Charter, all matters shall be decided by a simple majority of the general meetings.
14. In the event that the post of Secretary General falls vacant due to any whatsoever reason, the host national golf association where the secretariat resides shall appoint a new Secretary General.
15. The Secretariat of the Federation shall reside in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at the registered address of the Malaysian Golf Association until such time as the Federation at an AGM decides otherwise.
16. The Secretary-General shall keep records of the Federation, give notices of meetings and collect dues and perform all other customary duties of his offices.
17. The Secretary-General shall prepare the Annual Report and statement of accounts to be presented for approval at each Annual General Meetings.
18. The Federation may adopt resolutions by circulation. The document giving the consent of member associations shall be duly signed by the President or Honorary Secretary (Secretary General) of the member associations.
19. The Management Committee may make such bye-laws as necessary for the purpose of carrying out its functions under this Charter
20. This Charter may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) majority of the member associations of the Federation, provided that the objects of the Federation shall not be amended except by unanimous vote of all member associations.
21. The Federation may be dissolved by a resolution to that effect passed by not less than three-fourths (3/4) of the member associations present and eligible to vote. Upon dissolution all debts and liabilities of the Federation shall be fully discharged and any remaining assets shall be disposed of in accordance with the decision of the General Meeting.
22. This Charter has been duly amended and approved by the members of the Federation, and came into force on 14th November 2023, being the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Federation in the year 2023.



ASEAN Golf Federation
c/o Malaysian Golf Association
14, Jalan 4/76C, Desa Pandan,
55100 KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia
Phone: + 603 9283 7300
Fax: + 603 9282 9300